Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Big Fr amd Hungry F?

1.Why is Francium the biggest element with the lowest IE and EN
Francium has low IE because it is easy for it to remove an electron.  It has a low EN because it is hard for it to gain electrons.

2. Why Helium is the smallest element with the highest IE
Helium has the highest IE because it is difficult to remove an electron. He is part of the noble gases and the noble gases are very unreactive meaning it is hard to gain or lose electrons.

3. Why noble gases don't have any EN values
Noble gases havea full valence shell so it is unreactive.  It doesn't want to gain or lose any electrons because it is already full.

4. Why Flourine has the highest EN
Flourine has the highest EN because it is good at gaining electrons. Since it has 7 valence electrons, it only needs one more to gain to be like a stable noble gas.

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